Yoga & Ayurveda Wellness
My approach to meditation is Earth and Heart Centered. It cultivates unique connection with Body and Earth, and Body as Earth, directly connecting you with your power and inner alchemy. Meditation for me was self taught, with Nature always guiding me to sit with Trees to learn. I learned with the Elements. Through Elemental and Heart Center meditation I have learned how to honor the elements of my being, manage my energy, navigate and transmute my pain. I have continued to deepen my skills through Yogic studies and teachers and becoming certified as an Ayurveda Yoga Therapy specialist.
Elemental Meditation
45min $88
1hr $111
Meditation and elemental awareness. This is a wonderful way to learn meditation. If you are not here to learn meditation you may be here to deepen elemental connection through your already developed art of meditation. As a beginning meditator, you will learn about posture, conscious breathing, and focusing the mind in relationship with the Elements and Environment.
Elemental awareness supports mindfulness and presence, and will become an anchor for your meditation practice, as well as take it to new places. It creates a pathway for mental energy to flow and process. It also supports a deeper relationship with your own body and with Earth. Where you are is where we begin.
These sessions may be conducted in person or via video conference.
Heart Center Meditation and Alchemy
45min $88
1hr $111
An advanced practice of training one's energy to flow and hold presence with Heart Center as a focus for awareness. Heart Center is a deep interdimensional space of one's being and which holds a balancing frequency for higher evolutionary consciousness within everything. This meditation includes techniques from Elemental Meditation. It is a powerful focus point for meditating and also engages inner alchemy. This multidimensional space and portal holds frequencies of unity consciousness, unique truth , unconditional love. This practice develops presence, focus, inner alchemy, and expanding awareness and presence through Heart Center. I will be your guide into awareness of Heart Center with conscious breathing and guided meditations. Each session will be anchored with the Elements and the practice of holding presence with Heart Center. As you hold presence with Heart Center your frequency is shifting and attuning to frequencies of Heart Center. You are growing into higher frequencies of consciousness. Heart Center is powerful and the more you work with it the more change occurs. Heart Center Meditation is a journey and practice of mastering BEing the change. Be ready for change.
Everything has a Heart Center. Everything has the potential to hold presence, interconnect, and express through unity consciousness, unique truth, and unconditional love.
These sessions may be conducted in person or via video conference.
Breath Sound Alchemy Flow
45min $111
1hr $144
1.5hr $211
These breathwork sessions are designed to help move emotional energetic blocks and to engage with self healing power. Breath Alchemy Flow is powerful work for break through energy. A healing altar is activated and we begin with checking in or guided meditation. The type of breathwork or pranayama that comes through is different for each soul. The session will conclude with grounding stones and tea.
Breath is the most powerful self healing tool we have access to. Breath is great connector, carrying lifeforce and prana into the body. Engaging consciously with breath activates self healing power.
Elemental Yoga Flow session
45min $88
1hr $111
Elemental Yoga Flow therapy is one on one yoga to support your healing intention and, or to learn yoga in a personalized setting. We begin where you are. The moment is the guide and the elements are the anchor. You may be here just to learn some postures and get comfortable with yoga, or you may be here for more emotional and soul healing through asanas. Either way, the elements will bring through a movement and yoga flow for each session that supports your intention and where you are. We will move through the postures together. These postures will be working with you and you with them until we meet again. The flow will likely also include mudras, and pranayama.
Ayurveda Intuitive Wellness sessions
1hr $144
1.5hr $211
2hr $277
Through the art and lens of Ayurveda, you come into clearer vision and understanding of your wellness and awaken the living wisdom within you. Ayurveda is often referred to as the Art of Digestion. It looks to the energetics of food in relationship to ones elemental truth and qualities in the body, mind, and spirit. An assessment questionnaire is emailed prior to the 1st session. Next we schedule the 1st session to discuss your wellness, including a physical assessment of tongue, skin, etc. and create an ayurvedic protocol to follow for a certain amount of time. The protocol may include a food recipe, routine, yoga, pranayama, mudra, oils, teas, etc. From here we can assess the flow of our work together. This offering weaves beautifully with energy therapy and soul alchemy.
Ayurveda is WholeSelf wellness and healing. It is inside of you.